Schedule Your Emails and SMS Marketing

Set it and forget it! With Castiron's new marketing feature, you can now schedule your emails and SMS texts ahead of time that you send to your customers.

Head to the Marketing area on the left menu of your Castiron Admin and then go to the Emails or SMS tab, and select a template from the list. Choose your product you'd like to promote, and either customize the message with your own words, or use our handy AI assistant to write it for you.

You'll see a Send Details section which allows you to select a future date and time to send the email or text:

You can also click the "Send yourself a test" link to see what your customer will receive. Then just click "Send" to set it and forget it, and send the text/email on the scheduled date and time. Easy as pie!

Need to make any changes before you send? You can always edit or reschedule your emails and SMS messages (more details here).

But wait - there's more! You can also check performance stats under your Marketing tab (click on either SMS or Email):

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