What is Stripe?

Stripe is one of the leading, most secure payment processors on the market today. Castiron uses Stripe to process all payments that come through the platform and help seamlessly transfer money to Castiron artisans just 1-2 days after a purchase is made.

Stripe charges a fee per transaction of 2.9% + $0.30. This fee is automatically passed through to the end customer at checkout - Artisans do not get charged directly for their use of Stripe, unless they elect to absorb the fees, which is managed in the admin page of their shops.   

You can sign up through Stripe as an Individual or a Business. Individual sign-up will require Social Security # verification and Business sign-up will require your EIN number. These are used to verify your identity and or business entity. 


Castiron contracts with Stripe for payment processing so we are able to access some information about the status of Castiron payouts via the Stripe account if there is an issue on your behalf. If there is a concern about payouts or other payment processing is not working as expected, check the email account associated with your Stripe account as they will send a notice if there is an account issue. While we typically cannot fix issues via Stripe because they are connected to your bank account, you can always reach out to Castiron support at help@shopcastiron.com and we can often see what the processing issue is and help you figure out how to resolve it.

The Stripe support page is: https://support.stripe.com/

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