Photo Sizes for Website and Product Branding
Castiron recommends the following photo sizes when creating your store:
Product Photos
- Maximum file size for any photo -15mb
- Individual Product images - 512x512 (recommended minimum pixel size)
Website Branding
- Shop logo photo size (in Appearance) -190x190 (recommended minimum pixel size)
- Cover Photo / Header image (in Home) Maximum Height/Width - 400 X 1800 pixel size
If you're having issues uploading, we recommend clearing the cache and cookies of your browser and trying again, or attempt it with a different browser or device. If the problem persists, please take a screenshot or note of any error messages, and send an email to for assistance.
If your photos are too large to upload; you can try using a photo resizer like this one to make them smaller first, and then try again.