1099-K Tax Reporting Details

Tax Reporting - 1099s

Correctly filing taxes based on business income made through Castiron is the responsibility of each artisan. 

In late January, you will receive a 1099-K document from Stripe, our payment processor, if your business has crossed federal or state revenue thresholds. Please make sure your contact information is accurate by reviewing the Payout and professional details at the bottom of this page: Link to Stripe

Due to IRS regulations, Castiron and other platforms must report the gross amount of transactions, including all fees whether paid for by you or your end customer. Castiron will provide you with a separate report breaking down your sales figures. This breakdown will include the revenue you received directly, the associated Stripe Fees, and Castiron fees broken out. 

Please consult a tax professional on how to treat your Castiron earnings and associated fees.

You can find more details directly from the IRS at this link: https://www.irs.gov/businesses/understanding-your-form-1099-k

This video will walk you through how to download your Castiron reports for tax prep as well as access your Stripe 1099 form (if applicable):

Here is the Castiron Tax Download Formatting Helper: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Hw96lCeRKaqhOGHQjc5ZnorRXDmwTVN7db0I2yg7Hnw/edit?gid=0#gid=0

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