How to Bulk or Individually Add Contacts to Subscribe to Your Shop

When adding a contact to Castiron, you have the choice to mark your contacts as subscribers. Watch our video below or scroll to keep reading.

Navigate to "Contacts" on the left-hand side of your panel and select "Add Contacts". You can either add them individually, or Add in Bulk. For a bulk upload, copy and paste a list of email addresses into the box, separated by a comma or by a line break. 

If you do not select to add your contacts as subscribers (meaning you left that box un-checked), then Castiron will ask if you would like to send them an invitation to subscribe. 

Upon selecting “Send 4 Invites”, Castiron will send your contacts an invitation to subscribe to your shop. 

Your customer will show a status of Pending after your invite is sent, and will receive an email invitation to subscribe that looks like this: 

By clicking the confirm subscribe button, your customer will move to subscriber-status on your contact list. 

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