Gallery Photos in Castiron

Showcase your work on Castiron with our new photo gallery feature! To create your unique photo gallery, navigate to “Shop Settings” and then "Photo Gallery". 

Drag and drop photos, or select “Browse” to upload photos from your desktop or mobile device. 

(Hint: If you’re on a laptop, hold “Shift” as you click multiple photos to upload multiple photos at a time.)  

Select “Open” and enjoy your photo gallery!

Continue adding up to a total of 50 photos! To preview your gallery, select "View My Gallery" in the upper right-hand corner. To rearrange the order in which your photos appear, select "Rearrange photos". 

From there, press and hold the small six gray dots to the right of a photo. Drag and drop a photo into your new desired order. 

Save your changes by selecting "Save" in the bottom right-hand corner. 

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