How to Make Your First Sale on Castiron

So you've launched your Castiron shop - congratulations! Time to take it to the next level and make your first online sale using Castiron. Below are the most reliable tips and tricks to help secure that first sale on your beautiful new site.

1. Update your links on all of your social media profiles.

Make sure all of your social media URL fields have been updated to your Castiron link! Update Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter/X, and even your email signature with your Castiron store link.

Click here for more info about integrating Castiron with Social Media.

Reminder: You can find your shop's link, as well as the Email/SMS Signup link, on the Home page of your Admin, and the "Share My Shop" button:

Remove any previous forms, links, and messaging that directs customers to other ordering methods. It should be crystal clear that Castiron is your ordering destination and is how you accept orders. 

Check out how Mariah has linked her Castiron store in her Instagram bio: 

Maura has also added her shop link in her Facebook bio: 

2. Make an announcement post! 

Be sure to update your customers that you’ve released a brand new ordering website! This is an exciting step you've taken with your business! If you want to really get fancy, you can also make a video to go along with it, showcasing how easy it is to place an order. Emphasize that by going through your site they will save you time and make your organization easier. This allows you to take more orders and to better serve your customers! 

We've built a store announcement template for you in Canva; you can access the template here and make it your own. 

As a bonus, pin the post to the top of your profile on FB and Instagram so that it's easily visible to those who visit your profile. Check out this video to learn how.

3. Run a new store special or product drop. 

What better way to launch a new store than with a special discount or seasonal product drop? Have a flash sale for a limited offer product that is only available for purchase on Castiron. This is a great way to help people visit your shop. Check out Castiron's marketing tab to see how you can announce new products and specials through Email, SMS/text, and Social Media.

Finally, create a coupon or offer a time-based seasonal sale to drive urgency for your customers to buy now. 

The best things in life take a little time, but are so worth it! You'll have a much better chance of finding new customers and making more sales when you put in the effort to market and tell people about your shop. You got this!

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