How Do I Refund an Order?

Refunds are done on the backend by Castion support. To refund money to your customer, please reach out to and we will process your customer's refund as soon as possible.

Please provide the following so we can process your request quickly and accurately:

  1. Customer name
  2. Order date
  3. Order number
  4. Refund amount
  5. And if you or the customer is initiating the refund (Seller-initiated means the artisan needs to cancel the order due to unforeseen circumstances or a quality/product/scheduling issue; customer-initiated means the buyer decided to cancel the order due to their own circumstances)

Writing support from your Castiron account email address helps us quickly connect the request to your shop, but if you contact us via a different email just include your shop email in the message.

*A small fee will be applied to all eligible refunds. This fee is designed to cover the costs associated with using our payment processor. A cost is incurred for every transaction, including those that are refunded. This “restocking” fee covers that cost and is sent directly to Stripe, our payment processor. Castiron does not receive any of this fee. The restocking fee is set at 2.9866%% of the original order amount, plus 30.896¢.

If the customer initiates the refund, they will get the requested balance minus the fee. If the seller initiates, the customer will get the full amount refunded.

For more info on cancelling an order:

*If you are a customer that needs a refund, please reach out the the seller directly.

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